产品介绍:ZH-800G Automatic Muti-functional CrashLock Bottom Folder Gluer全自动多功能勾底糊盒机(标配)ZH-800G是本公司主打的明星产品,操作简便、价格实惠、应用广泛,可用于药盒、酒盒、食品盒、牙膏盒、餐巾盒等各种盒子的糊制加工。它结合了多种糊盒机特点,集普通边贴、四边预折、勾底为一体的多功能糊盒机,功能强大、用途广、调试方便。本产品摈弃了勾底糊盒机结构复杂,调试难度大,设备成本高等缺点,以其独有的优势成为糊盒机制造领域的主力军。 ZH-800G is the best-seller of our company, convenient operation, reasonable price and wide application, such as medicine box, wine box and gift box. It combines a variety of folder gluer functions: straight line box, pre-fold box, crash lock bottom box. The products discard the disadvantages of older generation folder gluer, it simplifies the complicated constructio…